Love (Remove filter)
The Liquid Songs!
The liquid songs of a bird
Create much vibration in my heart,
My body is a stone, black and old-
If she turns down me to hold,
An artificial is my heart and soul
If she ceases her songs as a whole.
I wish her singing all the day,
As a cost my life I must pay,
She is mine I knew since my birth-
& I'll be the same, even beyond the earth.
Thursday 28th March 2024 11:54 am
Grandfather & I
I am Misti--, didn't get it?
Misti(sweetness) is my name,
My grandmother gave me that
Honor, I'm too grateful.
I'm going to 8 months
This November soon,
My limbs are
Not properly working now,
As a little bird fears to fly
Into the sky, below the mountain,
I am quite like that: I can't
Hold my legs sticked to ground.
My voice is like the groaning
Of the cloud you can hear but
Not to d...
Sunday 12th November 2023 7:31 am
The Glory of the Past
glory of the tree,
in the same way a lonely heart
tells us the days of love full
of joy and happiness in the past.
Wednesday 6th April 2022 11:50 am
I am the Painter
Ujjal Mandal, India
I paint the reality
With the color of dream;
Oh dear, you are my dream and
I am the painter of us!
Saturday 13th February 2021 7:13 am
My Sweet Rose
Ujjal Mandal, India
O dear, you are my sweet rose
Taking thy kiss I want my lips to close.
You never bloom elsewhere
Besides my heart's chamber.
O my love, come and take me
On thy rosy petals like a hungry bee.
Monday 9th November 2020 9:53 am
The Moon in the Cloud
Ujjal Mandal, India
Why is the moon hidden in the cloud?
She has fallen in love, no doubt.
I want to say aloud
I love you O dear!
My love I want to share;
I can't hold the heavy heart here.
Monday 2nd November 2020 7:35 am
Ah, My Heart Aches!
Ujjal Mandal, India
The broken heart is like
The broken glass.
If once broken, none can see
The face.
Ah, my heart aches!
Sunday 1st November 2020 1:17 pm
Life on the Bed of Love
Ujjal Mandal, West Bengal, India
Life on the Bed of Love
It is delicious and tastes great
When butter on the bread;
Life is sweet and suave
When it is on the bed of love.
Thursday 29th October 2020 4:47 am
Why does the rose BLOOM?
Ujjal Mandal, West Bengal, India
Why does the rose BLOOM?
Rose blooms to show
Her elegance to the soft hearts
Of love like her mild petals.
O, let's bloom like the rose.
Wednesday 28th October 2020 1:07 pm
What is Pure Love?
Ujjal Mandal, India
Love the one
Who loves you much,
Don't love the one
Whom you love much.
Saturday 5th September 2020 9:24 am
The Extreme Power of Love
Ujjal Mandal,India,WB
If ever you love someone
with the heart like the
huge mountain, I hope
you must know
why does the boat sail in
the shoreless sea?
Wednesday 12th August 2020 3:55 am
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