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twisted trees

A twisted oak coiled round its self the perfect home for a mouse.

He climbed up a twisted branch and made his peace there, he built a nest of twine in the hollow center.

twine woven in brade, ants climbing up in parade. the army came to a hault and flead, they

feared for their lives and would rarther not be dead.


the stars a gemstone, the moon an ivory marble in a get jar.



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Humming bird

Humming bird, buzzing bird

flying high, oh so absurd.

how i wish i flew to see the forming dew

then left another morning new.

there will be room for you.


on the star we'll fly so high

over, under, in the sky.

singing fairies lulabies.

watching rolling tides.


flying slow flying low,

over swaying medows

seeking stars that glow,

then going home.



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