life (Remove filter)
Falls And Flights
From the sky to the land,
It’s so painful!
First thought:
It’s the last flight!
But then again
we look at the sky
and wish to fly.
This is our human nature.
We forget about danger
and again look for adventure.
We are strange, strong and weak,
something more we seek.
As only the wounds heal
we again feel to fly
up to the ...
Wednesday 8th September 2010 9:51 pm
Life is not just a pleasant walk,
life is not always an interesting novel.
There are moments that shock,
they are impossible to foretell.
Half of our life is a fight.
Another half is a pain.
Only a few moments are bright.
And they are the main.
While those moments are burning in you,
While those moments make your heart beat,
Take care of...
Thursday 19th August 2010 11:45 am
It seems you forgot, our life is short.
There is no time to beg or extort for support.
Learn how to live yourself.
Take a book from the shelf and…
delicately leafing page after page
you will find a wood sage.
People are like books,
some of them are good,
some of them are bad,
some of them are just mad,
some of them are not sassy,
they look more ...
Sunday 15th August 2010 3:11 pm
Two classmates were chatting.
Accidentally they've met in the street,indeed,
they were not so old and not so young,
much more than forty.
The first one said:"I feel so young
and want to be sometimes so naughty,
I want to love again and certainly be loved,.
I want the romances to sing,
I want to fly so high in a swing,
I want to dance under the rain,
Saturday 14th August 2010 8:19 pm
Our life looks like a zibra
Our life looks like a zebra,
sometimes black stripes,
sometimes white.
The black stripes
take turn of the white,
like day and night.
And sometimes
our life zebra kicks
making it's own tricks.
Larisa R (Odessa, Ukraine)
Monday 19th July 2010 5:28 pm
Life roads
We all have different life roads,
we all think which one to choose,
some choose their road and crawl it,
they have no wish to fly.thinking it's a wit.
It's hard for them to learn the truth of life,
such people go with the tide
and fear like a hare living in a form with fright;
their feelings and soul are hidden,
they are always afraid to be bitten;
Friday 2nd July 2010 8:56 am
To live on the real life rails
We often look for the one to be ideal,
but when we meet the one who is real
we give foolish criteria
and it looks as a mystery.
Expecting the one from the fairy tales
we very often get only fails.
We want to get everything at once,
to get our chance.
As a result we burn the time,
loose the last dime.
May be it’s more important just to live,
Tuesday 29th June 2010 12:34 am
Falls and flights
From the sky to the land –
It’s so painful!
First thought: Enough!
It’s the last flight.
But…then again look at the sky.
This is our human nature:
to be strange, strong and weak.
As only the wounds heal
we forget about danger
and again spread our wings.
We again long for the sky
surprising God with our wishes.
We believe on...
Friday 18th June 2010 8:25 pm
It could be so nice
It could be so nice to learn how to fly.
Though it’s a difficult task, but…
Let’s have a try!
It seems an easier task to learn to see a smile
among thousand of angry faces,
but… we are not on the races.
Let’s have a try!
It could be so nice to learn how to dream
and in the dreams to fly in the future,
it could be such an adventure
with knowledge to ...
Thursday 10th June 2010 12:23 pm
Our life
Our life is not always easy
Sometimes it rains hard
But with every coming year
You become wiser and smart.
You value your past,
You take care of present.
The time goes fast
Some things you still haven't.
With the coming years
You start to compare
And it finally appears
Not everything was fair.
When you were younger
Monday 10th May 2010 6:16 pm
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