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Hard rock heart


Hard rock heart

Tuesday,21st Sept 2021


We have become rock hard

we remain unmoved with kind words

enter altercation and draw the sword

fall backward and not move forward


the old saying goes

and proves

the forecast of human destiny

that shall face misery and poverty


what has made us motionless?

heartless and careless

make us chase material lei...

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Peaace gives you

Peace gives you

Tuesday,21st Sept 2021


Love gives you life

peace saves your from the torn strife

an approach makes you reach

the destination and catches the glimpse


peace at heart

makes you long for human art

you remain part of the set up

and get up daily with the positivity


peace is neither had from loud talk

or through peaceful walk

but with the...

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Spark in relation

Spark in relation

Wednesday,8th Sept 2021


It is definitely serious matter

in the life where you are lover

and love so much to a partner

give a full chance to listen to her


how does infidelity arise?

and surprise to you

it is your shaky mind

that finds an extra space


when you both meet

and greet passionately

with full commitment

to the coming li...

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Dream high but

Dream high but

Wednesday,8th Sept 2021


The path reminds you of the reality

if your feet are firmly placed in journey

you shall always be blessed

and the secrets shall be accessed


whatever may be your dream!

you shall always succeed them

it is the outcome of ground reality

and results into an availed opportunity


you have all the liberty to fly high


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Love & Luck

Love & luck

Wednesday,8th Sept 2021


To love

it is to believe

and live under one impression

love is holy in relation


love is no risk

but kick in time

to remind you

love has to be significant find


to hope

it is to hang on rope

or to stand on slope

with no stop


if you fear

and hesitate to bear

the pain in return

the success shall ...

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Mighty but not unruly

Mighty but not unruly

Sunday,5th Sept 2021


I am a bull

but not a fool

I know "might is right"

still, I have to fight


the world bows down

and allows

powerful to have sway

and give the way


see, how they address?

show the cruelty on the face

head high with full of arrogance

but not with ignorance


we allow some tolerance

but not give the...

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Poetess-Sania zakir

Poetess-Sania Zakir

Sunday,5th Sept 2021

1600 p.m.


Human nature is not at all difficult to read

good-natured people well behaved

easy to convince

without mincing words


you are called lucky

if such people are made friends already

you have access anytime you are in need

and get support in deed


you can read simple human face

and make the trace

I r...

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For future generation

For our future generation

Sunday,5th Sept 2021


To speak and write

to long for and ignite

to do nothing and fight

for rights without caring for duties


such is the human tendency

to care for self and family

to sacrifice nothing and ear handsomely

to laugh at others and remain ridden with jealousy


fertile lands turned barren

river beds empties and made ...

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Life needs most-Friend

Life needs most-Friend

Sunday,5th Sept 2021


The desert needs water

if not then it shall remain barren here

not comforting passers by

and imply dryness


life has the same tendency

it must sweeten the journey

grow colourful flowers

and spread the fragrance further


you have the love of father

the kindness of mother

the everlasting love from sister


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