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At the Water's Edge

There is a certain freedom

in desperation,

finally letting go,

not clinging to life

as we believe it should be,

instead accepting it as it is

because all our efforts

to change it

come to naught.

So, jump up,

say "yes" to whatever comes

because it is here

and we are here

and might as well skip over all the "wish things were different"

and enjoy what is good


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I Will Walk

I see you suffer

and I suffer with you.

I know I'm not supposed to,

I should draw a boundary

and not let your pain

enter my being--after all,

why have two people suffering?

But this is not how it works for me--

I see you suffer

and I suffer with you.

So I will carry this pain,

I will feel your pain,

I will love you with every breath,

and maybe the pain will b...

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Opening to Happiness (in 2 parts)


What is this yearning,

this ache in my heart 

that can not be soothed?

I see a doorway, an opening,

that leads to a beatific scene

of blue skies and brilliantly- colored flowers and butterflies and birds and creatures with gentle, curious eyes gazing at me.

I can see this,

but I know I can not go there,

I can not enter.

What is this yearning,

this ache in my he...

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Contemplation on a Stormy Night

I want to climb out of my body and be free

I want to stand out in the rain and get soaked to my soul

I want to climb a high mountain in one giant leap and laugh at the world

I want to pick up the planet like the god zeus and with muscled arms throw it into a new dimension of peace and harmony

I don't want to be restricted or defined anymore by the narrow parameters of my humanness


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This I Ask

Beautiful beautiful night,

wash over me with your cleansing air.

Beautiful beautiful morning,

wrap me in your soothing stillness.

Beautiful beautiful being,

abide with me in your tender gaze.

Whatever arrives, let me welcome it.

Help me not to judge it,

help me to be with it,

with attention,

with a mere glance,

whatever suits the moment,

whatever brings gentlene...

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Smile and Breathe

Smile into this moment

This is all you have right now

Smile into this deep breath 

This will lift you up right now

Smile into this mess

Remember all fades away

Cry if it flows

It's okay

But remember to smile and breathe

This is how it goes

It's okay

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A Gentle Rain and We Carry On

Thoughts swirl 

in the mind

like clouds before a storm,

dark and confused,

going every which way.

But clouds know what they are doing--

gathering moisture

and preparing to release rain.

So too thoughts know what they are doing--

gathering emotions and preparing to release pain.

Let the thoughts flow,

they are cleaning house,

let them fall from your mind,

let ...

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Just Enough

In every situation,

Love does its magic.

Things seem lost,

unmoveable like a heavy boulder,


But then,

a tiny crack,

a sliver-size opening,

and Love steps in,

adorned in garments of quiet joy and wisdom.

And there it is--

the itsy-bitsy miracle,

just enough to make us smile again.


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