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World Food Programme (WFP)


Add five parts blood to five parts blood

shake well till indistinguishable


Add five parts lies to five parts lies

remove the scales that fall from eyes


Add five parts belief to five parts belief

filter well, truth lies beneath


Add five parts hate to five parts hate

let stand and watch coagulate


Add five parts word to five parts word

knead well un...

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Wild Dogs


You tether your thoughts to a leash

and send them out with gnashing teeth


They slather through the mystic maze

to tear the flesh from fragile days


You feel them pull and twist and jerk

those thoughts released become berserk


They bloat and swell beyond inception

too large to shrink at mere rejection


You feast and gorge on their return

such well-pl...

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Scrap yard philosophy, too late


The mountain of rust dripped its tanks dry

shedding the remnants of journey,


the prisoner withheld true tears from his eyes

surrendering himself to the gurney.


Neither of which had fashioned their end

envisioning fate in form or time,


enabling the factors with which they might mend

the wreck of their ruinous crime.


Yet as they lay to rot and to dust


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Early Walk


In the twilight of the waking day

the early bird unplugs the worm,

and I along my well-trod way

observe its hapless tangled squirm.


Eager beaks pluck spring fresh reds

as blossoms blush unperturbed,

while those still slumbered in their beds

seek in dreams what they once learned


as children with their minds alight

each early wonder newly seen,

would wish...

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Seventeen Moments of Spring


"What's past is prologue"


In grayscale worlds of discontent

through glorious summer lions slept,

nations shaped new continents

with pledge and promise never kept.


What laid dormant was never dead,

each solstice bore a thousand sons.

Arctic freeze withheld its breath

when all around were levelled guns.


Whispered words and words emplaced

are bulbs f...

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War Poet


I would encourage you to click the link at the foot of the text to view a video which might afford some context to the scribble, thank you.


Today he only wants to drink

perchance to dream

but not to think


Today he picks the scab anew

to make it clean

like surgeons do


Today he shuns his injury

to feel it like

it used to be


Today he peels his me...

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Turtle Survival Classes


The horror of an upturned shell

the Sky above its feet,

so close the Oceans saving swell

too near to poisoned meat.


Right yourself or skewered be

pivot upon your nose,

flip yourself toward the Sea

escape approaching toes.


For I have been that stranded beast

forlorn upon the sand,

prospective flesh of tainted feast

an ending most unplanned.


I ...

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Zephyr to Tornado


I am a tiny little breeze

whipped up upon the hill,

I'm gentle when I'm in the trees

and in the valley, still.


Blow me through a Desert,

a Canyon or a Gorge

repeatedly and over time

you'll see my pathways forge.


I'll twist and rip the very earth

you've built your world upon,

I'll shade the Sun that nurtures birth

till all that's good is gone.



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In His Garden


Dad, I won't forget you as you've forgotten me

your memories cruelly blown

like leaves

are from The Tree


    I still feel your hand upon my troubled head

your words of guidance

softly spoke

each one thoughtfully said


    I see you fade in days that pass so slow

before the care home window

where you sit

each time I go


    I'm just a boy like y...

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Distance over time


I cannot taste the salty air

too far am I

since last was there


Though in its waning withered way

my heart leaps up

as if to say


No age endured no distance gone

shall come between

where I belong


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This scribble is accompanied by a brief video of its reading, the link can be found beneath the text of the poem.


Your charity offends me sir

my gut, my guts

begin to stir,

I left my friends alone out there

your virtue

is beyond their care.


Your hand is clean and offered well

my sense, my senses

prick my smell,

that what you seek is not for all

a mis...

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Old Model Army


In Fairy Rings of Civil War

From Naseby's Field to Marston Moor

Down-trod men as not before

sought out a life worth living for


The Food Bins on the Shopping Floor

From Stornoway to Dover's Shore

Bear charity as not before

Such Meagre Dam to Stem A War


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Rising Sun


There is no tree that can resist

the kissing of the breeze,

nor violet hue of amethyst

some calming dream can't tease.


though in the night we drift apart

from where our bodies lay,

our journey's share each other’s heart

till dawning of new day.


I cannot know your dreaming

or follow where you go,

but like the trees I'm leaning

in the dreamscapes wher...

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Joy Riders


Beneath this poem is a link to a video/audio of the piece after which there is a short explanation regarding some of its content.


On the good days we stole cars

just to get beyond these streets,

Its painted curb-stones scars

of our childhoods, incomplete.


Toward the border wild and fast

between the check-points glare,

we never thought our luck would last,


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In a cloistered courtyard

of mosaic, tree and font

where bees and scholars long sparred

though not by way of want


The echoes of their learning

reverberate through time,

as if shadows slow returning

to close the circle of a rhyme


Their learning slipped like seasons

through the orbit of an age,

its lofty purposed reasons

were but theories in a cage...


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Oh Jerusalem, Why hast thou forsaken them?


In The Church of The Holy Sepulchre

Kneeling's quite the thing,

that Slab is not a replica

it was bled on by a King.


The grovelling and the weeping

the wailing at the wall

is well within the keeping

of doing bugger all...


for the dead whose numbers rising

are stacked against the sea

their leaders compromising

definitions of the free.



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Beyond The Blinding Light


For all The Sun these Trees have took,

The Forest floor in Dappled Shade

has Nurtured Thought from Mind to Book

and with that Seed a Woodland made.


Though Sunbeams Shed their Rays Unbent

it's in The Shade Beyond the Glare,

Where Lies a Subtle Truth Unspent

that we might Capture Hidden There


So Stare not Blind Toward the Light

keep Measured Gaze at All Arou...

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