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death (Remove filter)

The Coronavirus Poem

All too little, 
Too late 
As the Coronavirus 
Takes down the world by mistake.

Government officials standing behind gates
As it rains a blood of money
To keep the economy straight. 

Waking up the public to a doom
Which is highly frightening
For me and you. 

A war with the unseen.
Watching loved ones turning green.
Mortals inflicting pain and death.
Born from the innocent creatu...

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Corona virusdeathpoemsreallifevirus


The platinum fog surrounds reality’s vision
From life going about its simple disposition.
The echo of death-screams
Can only be heard
While awaiting for light to give back day in reverse.

Death likes to work in the shadows
Using the shrowd
While firing lustrous tipped arrows.

The lost souls have nowhere to hide
As life can’t see the dark between the living-disguise.
A night filled wi...

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Death Party

Death Party

I watched my death party
And smiled
Because I knew what nobody can expect
When they leave into the darkness
Between the layers of time itself.

Some people shed tears of lost
While others smiled with no cost,
Many cry on their own
While I felt death
Like a wound
From a black rose.

I await to greet others
Within seconds
Not years –
Like time spent growing up with my ...

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