The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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If Ducks Ruled the World

If ducks ruled the world

They would live and work in duckminster

Pay homage to the Queen, the Ducks and Duckesses at Duckingham Palace,

They would certainly rule the waves of Britain,  marching to and fro in naval outfits, 

No need for ships  or an Air Force, with flying and swimming duck armies.

They gather on benches at parliamentary questions,

There is golden goose Mrs May wit...

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duckspoetrypolitical satire

The Loaded Gun

Hi, I am looking for honest feedback for this please.

You play the game,

you sing the song.

Saying that you don't belong,

that life is not easy.

You wear the right clothes,

hang out with the "in" people,

the loaded gun.

You think, "kuching,"

play by the rules that are for fools,

but life does not really.

Self-righteous in the extreme,

living out someone else's d...

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The Loaded GunPerformance poetryPerformance Poem.

Any town

Any town

This town was built from flint and clay

from the iron age and the God's malaise.

This Earth leaves tints of iron and bronze.

Seas, and shells, parchment gone.

This nation holds its mark on time,

not short of the sublime

mixtures of faiths and cultures,

landmarks from other timezones.

The shape of the stars

and the arc of the moon

suggest a covenant with us...

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Any towncovenantiron agestone ageGodstarstimezonesmooncultures.

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