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I am capable of love

Words can be weaponised
Be careful with the words you use
What might be a throw away sentence to you
Forever imprinted, taunting anothers mind 

When you chose these words 
Did you remember the things about me which only you know
The secrets I don't share freely 
But entrusted with you 

People have preconceived notions
Ready to label and validate assumptions
You saw behind the mask

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Song of agony

I cry for all those overcome

The ones trapped, trapped 

Draining souls lost in heat 

Etching sins into the glass

Break free I beg of thee

Screams thunder the grey

All this storm, all this fear 

Release the hell you hold dear

Do not twirl and twist among it

Go take my hand - leap

Don’t fall to his name - rise

Your light of her and all her’s

Come to the promised k...

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