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An illness is vicious

Any can be frightful from pneumonia to cancer

It’ll make all of your loved ones suspicious

Now the worst isn’t the goodbying

Losing your roar as your fire burns out is

Or never being able to kiss your beautiful wife once you’re dying


Smoking your last cigarette

Your lungs fill with smoke and doubt

Your chances of living are to those of Rus...

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sad poemsdeathillnessfamily

Fears of being rotten to the core


Here I sit with a candle lit

As I rest and wait to commit.

To a life of blue skies and angels,

As I try to ignore the pain sensation.

Whilst being overcome with isolation.


Trying in vain to think of happy thoughts,

As the devil looks on and applauds,

And laughs and jeers right in my face,

Since he knows that he is winning the race,

As he picks up a faster pace.


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