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Show me to my Sweet, Sick, Dark Cave

Show me to my sick sweet dark cave. The cave where dreams stab at the clumsy waking mind. Where the wounded and forgetful sleep crow is welcome and not mauled, by the growling brown beast of perceived consciousness. In the day I walk- Strut- confident in the ground beneath my feet. Falsely sure of the surrounding wood, predictable and ancient. When I hunger- For nourishment, ple...

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I knew from the very first moment -

what I knew, I didn't really know in the moment

but a part of me just knew

and I knew he knew too.

Every part of my broken heart and aching body

seemed to scream it; 

the words breaking through my skin - 

dying to be heard.

But I was so afraid and he was so damaged

No one could know.

No one ever knew.

Not even him; 

and now it...

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A diffrent View

A scratch on the back that send chills down your back

A smile that lit the darkside of the moon

No cares in the world

She whirled, twirled her hands till noon

   Falling into the sand

    Keeping the angel



BAck now aches with pain and regret

Moon is shaded with darkness and now seeking vengeance

More worried filled the world 

Now standing still


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The Kill

The knife protrudes from his chest.
His heart pierced by cold steel.
The man falls to his knees.
Takes a final breath,
and falls over.

Blood covers my sweaty hands.
Adrenaline courses through my veins.
I do not feel guilt,
nor shame.
Instead I am awash in relief.
The deed is done and I feel anew.

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Out There

It is dark out there,

Where did the light go?


I can't see a thing,

But can feel the snow.

And the temperature is dropping,

Twenty below.


And my sister stopped moving,

And mother is slow.

Father has gone,

To where, I don't know.


And it is dark out there,

And still the wind blows.


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