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Your Father

Your father is still your father. Love him and forgive him as a young child.
The way you were in expectant, resolute delight of his arms around you.
Your father is still your father in his audacious crime of falling in love.
I, his Pygmalion’s statue, his muse, his mistress, his little goth whore,
you see me as nothing better than shit on your kitchen floor
before gathering round the ...

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lovelove poetrylove poems

My one day friend, Mark

  To Liverpool

By: Ali Taha Alnobani
On Vernon street
Off Dale street
I sat near the sidewalk
At the edge
Like a broken bridge
People were passing
With their robot walking
Sea gulls felt my pain
Also did the rain
And my one day friend Mark
Who heard the voice of gulls in my heart
And my desire to start
His frien...

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peaceLiverpoolLiverpool poetrymercysideriverpoetrylove poetrylove poemslifefriendshipfriends of the earthbe friends?old friendsmel my dear friendmysteriousMysteryfoggoodbyesJulie Goodyeargoodbye

Rifle and Violin

Song Against War
By : Ali Taha Alnobani
© 2011 by Ali Taha Alnobani
Helicopters were over us
Noise and fuss
Yesterday with orchestra
And today in battle
My life seems like a shuttle
The violin that was touching my neck
Became today a rifle
The tune of dancing and love
Just now became blood and pus
Noise and fuss

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Sofia's Masterpiece Story

By: Ali Taha Alnobani
© 2011 by Ali Taha Alnobani
A lot of people I knew
Tried to cross long bridges
Sofia's masterpiece story
Ended among her princes
They wished her to describe the picture
But she forgot her eyes
Upon the bridges' fences
A rhyme made of life
Attacked her burned senses
I adored Sofia
But the trees imposed ...

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