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Love has new dimension

Love has a new dimension

Friday,27th September 2019


The day has full shine

I can't define

more or so when it is the birthday of Dr. Penpen

you are real peace symbol on the horizon


why do we not feel the absence?

even in the mind, the essential peace

it has no relevance

if love has no true stance


we got it in abundance

in your presence

it has reall...

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Human power and greed

Human power and greed

Saturday,29th September 2019


What makes them bloodthirsty?

when they try to spread the hegemony

over the poor country

and manage control over the economy


nothing works

when greed exceeds

national interest is compromised

nothing goes as promised


it is a mad arms race

and worst scene if faced

innocent lives are put at stake


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U.N.General Assembly

U.N. General Assembly

Saturday,28th September 2019


We heard two leaders at the United Nations General Assembly

Both spoke with their viewpoints of the respected countries

We are at pain to see the reasons behind

And failed to find the logic of that kind


How can one country stake the claim on the territory?

That too on the basis of the majority population

Who alway...

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U.N.General Assembly

U.N. General Assembly

Saturday,28th September 2019


We heard two leaders at the United Nations General Assembly

Both spoke with their viewpoints of the respected countries

We are at pain to see the reasons behind

And failed to find the logic of that kind


How can one country stake the claim on the territory?

That too on the basis of the majority population

Who alway...

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Not important

Not important

Thursday,26th September 2019


Nothing is important

when we love to present

memory becomes instant

then it turns into past


flowers appear fresh

with petals open and rush

the fragrance to make us feel

that the world is beautiful


today's thing becomes past history

we witness it daily

still, cling to with an attachment

it seems good at...

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Life has opened

Life has opened

Thursday,26th September 2019


Life remains wide open

with so many ideas creeping in

to make it worthwhile

in my own style


as the world has progressed

and provided with the access

you can probe into many things

and bring some rapport with the mind


life has puzzled me a lot

and made me caught in between

the consequences are clearly se...

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Not all friends

Not everyone you love will stay not everyone you trust will be loyal some people only exist as examples of what to avoid

                                                                                                                                       .........Sarwat Valim


Not all friends

Thursday,26th September 2019


Things are not shaped

as we have eloped

and thoug...

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Holy concept of an imagination

Holy concept of an imagination

Sunday,22nd September 2019


Imagination knows no bounds

it is always found

from our day to day life

with the pure heart to find the sharpness of knife


what makes life really worth?

only write can breath

translate painful verses

into permanent happiness


life is full of melody

as well as the tragedy

but verses bring the...

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Not your Noor*

Not your noor*

Sunday, September 22, 2019

7:12 AM

I am not your noor*

she whispered with honor

I shall never be yours

she said it often and created fears


how can I prefer dark?

and fail to start

with the sincere attachment

she is shadowing me at present


"don't go away, don't go away"

you got to be near and stay

guide me through your love


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leaving behind for

Leaving behind for

Sunday,22nd September 2019


take a clue

and view

the blessed journey 

and gifted by an almighty 


nothing is permanent

everything is sent

for destined disappearance

it is a simple chance


travel as far as you can

try for anything you want to

enjoy the pleasure momentarily 

experience the pain regularly 


the same coin is ...

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Fould the day

Found the day

Sunday,22nd September 2019


Finally, it has found the day

the book is on display

it is like a dream come true

you are all requested to view


I don't know how much I cared about poetry

but went on to write daily

it is almost a decade

now it has found the shade


enlighten me about the book

when you take a little glance

to give me a few wo...

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New vision


New vision with

Saturday, September 21, 2019

7:56 AM


The world had dried all its sources

there was the emergence of evil forces

it not only threatened the lives of people

but forced war and made mankind to struggle


some great souls descend on earth

bringing with them "ray of hope" to avoid innocent people's death

mitigate their sufferings

and project th...

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Smile at love

Smile at love

Saturday,21st September 2019


I smile

not because of my name implies

but I rely on

the meaning behind the name is shown


love the thing

that brings

shine on your face

with holy and divine trace


a smile brings shine

if that is defined

with a close touch

to reach the bottom of the heart


accept as it comes

and welcome

if ...

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Wisdom is

Wisdom is rare

Friday,20th September 2019


Wisdom is never inherited

it is gifted

from nature

to shine later


experience makes man better

to have no fear

while taking the decision

with so much precision


wisdom comes after passed through the sufferings

and tackled it as a stubborn human being

gave no thought for personal safety

and waited for the ...

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Inseparable part

Inseparable parts

Wednesday,18th September 2019


Pain and pleasure

go together

for all human beings

and try to bring some compromise


it can't be separated

and differently related

they have their own role

to coincide with the role



may cause you strain

and maintain

mental turmoil


go by what you have

and behave

sensibly for the t...

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Poetess-Brilliant with a divinelook

Poetess- Brilliant with divine look

Wednesday,18th September 2019


When the sun shines!

there is nothing left to define

you always feel fine

with so much pleasure therein


so fine blend of poetess

who never gave an access

but presented the face

that rarely surfaces


when her eyelids are down!

her internal feelings become known

without speaking a word


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Poetess-Brilliant with divine look

Poetess- Brilliant with a divine look

Wednesday,18th September 2019


When the sun shines!

there is nothing left to define

you always feel fine

with so much pleasure therein


so fine blend of poetess

who never gave an access

but presented the face

that rarely surfaces


when her eyelids are down!

her internal feelings become known

without speaking a wo...

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Not ruled out

Not ruled out

Wednesday, 18th September 2019


You will know

and go

by the sentiments

going on in mind at present


who will control?

the call

that sits firmly in the mind

and finds a suitable place


we have allowed greed

and heeded

its supremacy

disregarding an almighty


we have not ruled out jealousy

and allowed it continuously

at the...

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Real world


Tuesday,17th September 2019


What we see through eyes is really not real!

what we think or dream of is unreal!

what is likely to happen is real

so compromise with the mind and make the deal


world same

people are also the same

so claim your self

like a hidden treasure in the shelf


to dream and do really nothing

it is condemnable sort of the ...

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Long live-Indian Prime Minister

Long live ..Indian Prime Minister

Tuesday,17th September 2019


Yes, it is a birthday celebration

we feel proud as Indian citizens

not only with the pride to keep head high

but to feel good for the motherland


What has he done for the country?

why is he accepted star leader universally?

it is his vision and foresight

that has been taken as a right step


He ...

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Life may give in

Life may give in
Tuesday,17th September 2019

Life is a real struggle
it is tackled by the people
but depends on the individuals
how do they address at their levels

what else can you do?
except to pass through
and face the challenges
and equally manage

life may pose a threat
but greet
it with courage
and edge it out

if you stand firm
and confirm
your resolve not to backtrack

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Cough out


Cough out
Sunday,15th September 2019

It shall be my endeavor
to grant honor
to all those troubled souls
when calling upon them

I shall love to wipe their tears
and remove the fears
from the mind
about the cruel world

If my sweet words can't heal
and make them feel
the real human beings
it shall be worthless to act as well being

if God has given you enough
at least cough...

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Generous behavior

Generous behavior
Sunday,15th September 2019

People come and go
like the wind and blow
the tune momentarily
and depart mysteriously

you find such people
in your struggle
but they leave you behind'
showing the gesture unkind

they not only desert
but refuse to associate as part
and denounce the friendship
and keep off from coming near

you never leave
your generous behavior and...

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Not a blade of grass

 Not a blade of grass


Monday, September 16, 2019

7:42 AM


I fear not

and get caught

in the confusion

you have blessed us with the vision


I knell down

and make it known

that you are the supreme authority

and known as an almighty


not a blade of grass moves

without your blessings and proves

it's worth in this world

we are constantly reminde...

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Keep hope alive

Keep hope alive
Sunday,15th September 2019

Keep hope alive
and love to live
with harmony and peace
life shall always be at an ease

you both are love birds
and need words
to comfort each other
without any fear

you had inclined
but never declined an offer
to live together
and came near

this is what our journey has to do
and pass-through
happiness or ordeals
to feel right and...

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Poetical sentiments


Poetical sentiments
Sunday,15th September 2019

Writing has always been the very beating of my heart.
My love for words go beyond the pages. When I create I am the language.
The characters.the mournful ending that holds your thoughts one last time
…………J.L. Stevens

I had always stayed with the compassion
and maintained a close relationship
with the heartbeats
and the feelings


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Lovely princess

O lovely princess

find an access

to the gate of love and happiness

that shall bring a smile on your face


yes, you turn older

by a year

but you got to move

and prove to the world


the world may remain open

for you to see as heaven

there is enough of scope

go and get success non-stop


you shall aim high

and fly

with imagery wings to enjoy


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Be good individual


Thursday, September 12, 2019

11:25 AM

Be good individual

Saturday,14th September 2019


I am no exception

honest and simple clay man

very eager to maintain the cordial relation

and proud to be a good citizen too


very much prone to get tempted

even without being attempted

life seems very much empty

but seek always solace from an almighty


I need ...

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Great relief

Great relief

Saturday,14th September 2019


Nothing mattered

when earnestly uttered

the holy words in prayers

it was offering a soothing layer


what a great relief!

to feel so brief

about the grief

and still no worry to self


It is how I surrender

and offer

my indebtedness to your feet

and follow you on the water like ships fleet


I am cruis...

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Meet with rough weather

Meet with rough weather

Friday,13th September 2019


Whatever may be the reason!

I loved you as a kind person

affectionate and caring

and above all good human being


as it happens

it was all of sudden

with the meeting of minds

and souls could find it easily


we met

and set

the life's course

with no intention to invite the curse


but things w...

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Know and love

Know and love

Friday,13th September 2019


Love yourself first

and make thirst

towards the direction

that is awaiting your action


what can be your reaction?

in relation

to the presence of enemies

who push you to tell lies!


how one shall transform?

and inform

the consciousness

that you have denied such an access


until you are fully aware


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War-no option

War-no option

Friday,13th September 2019


Had the war been an easy option?

everybody may choose it as captioned subject

go in for a quick result

and create a new cult


the war was never a reality

but the demonstration of ability

with the show of might and strength

and preparedness to go at any length

when the head of the state

turns dictator and relates


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Help me

Help me

Sunday,8th September 2019


Help me to build

and yield

to no temptation

in the human relation


I get not carried away

and stay

with ill-gotten money

to remain happy in life


bless my way

and keep me away

from worldly ill-affairs

and inspire me to act fair


I want to greet

and meet

all my brethren

and see them happy even



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Waves shall

Waves shall

Sunday,8th September 2019


keep no fears

and find me everywhere

believe it or not dear

I hear you here and there


an ocean has my shadow

that allows

waves to go up and come down

to make it know


it is my presence

reflection of the true essence

so take the chance

and feel em at once


fire is raging inside

that shall decide


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Pray for mercy

Pray for mercy

Sunday,8th September 2019


Ponder over in your leisure time

and get immense pleasure

that shall definitely assure

the secured future


nothing matters

when you utter

the forgiveness in the mind

that shall certainly find you the answer


everything moves in destined time

you may not get time to look back

but when you have time to think ov...

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Bitter memory

Bitter memory

Friday,6th September 2019


Think of not about yesterday

it has gone anyway

leaving behind bitter memory

to test soreness daily


today gives you little bit hope

to work hard and go non-stop

so rise steadily

and face it readily


if you think yesterday was not all that bad

then pick-up something good

from the past experience

and remain ...

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Peace stays

Peace stays

Saturday,7th September 2019


Peace lays within

Unfortunately, it is not seen

we create an unnecessary scene

and run after the things very keenly


why do we disturb the mental peace?

when it is available in pieces

it transforms gradually

and benefits individually


love peace internally

and run for it willingly

it shall take you to the new ...

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Less you focus

Less you focus

Saturday,7th September 2019


Less you focus

more you gain the trust

on self while dealing with others

sans fears


it is not the self alone

that has shown

the interest in others

and, in fact, offered the cooperation


it has no use

if not offered for general usage

where human beings suffer

and failed to usher in peace


yes, som...

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My book

#evincepub #publishing #newreleases


Book "Soldier Chirps" by Hasmukh Mehta is all set to be released on 10th September.

Best wishes to the author.


Thanks Shiju H. Pallithazheth for the valuable forewords to this book.


The book contains a wide range of subjects. It contains the main concern of the globe. we witness the volatile situation in many parts.


it not only...

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My little flower

My little flower

Wednesday,4th September 2019


My little flower

I offer prayers

for your well being

and try to bring


some kind of happiness

on your happiness

as it serves my joy

with full capacity to enjoy


what can be heaven on the earth?

where life is always threatened by the death

it seems like a bubble in the air

and chances look no fair



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Poetry- an expression

Poetry - An expression

Wednesday,4th September 2019


Poetry is an expression

for the human relation

and goes in for the freedom

with a wise approach and wisdom


poetry comprises a holy flow

that allows

a person to feel from within

and that spirit is felt and seen


why do we not feel?

the pity and mercy to fill

the vacuum created by the dishonest appr...

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Love as I take

Love as I take

Wednesday,4th September 2019


I may not get you

or have a chance to view

your closeness

and bring happiness


I love you so much

and as such

envy the interest

and show it at the best


Neither I long for physical possession

nor keep any obsession

but confess it in open

and stay happily driven


you change brought sea change


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Come back

Come back

Sunday,1st September 2019


Come back and make me smile

with your elegant style

it was never before

I have felt this very much sore


never had you been away

I had a comfortable stay

not a second, I lost your sight

you added much more to my delight


You are not found

I search the ground

where are you?

I look through all windows



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Mass destruction

Mass destruction

Saturday, 31st August 2019


Time will tell

whether we shall turn her into hell

or make heaven on earth

with no fear of death


what has made us intolerant?

why has changed our perception at present?

why can't we live with peace?

and make a life for people at ease!


some chunk of land here and there

if that is the cause of war

then tak...

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Self-elevation and

Self-elevation and

Sunday,1st August 2019


Shake your conscience

listen to it at once

some melody may be heard

with the sincere words


it has a theme to match

and catch

with the time

before it faces decline


look around

and something new shall be found

with an urge to the inner chamber

and that shall make you happier


you get input

and c...

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Show them door and

Show them door and

Sunday,1st September 2019


No bread and only torn shoes

this is how the story goes

we have nurtured dictators

who have worked for their own mentors


jealousy and hatred

it has led

three wars for 50 years

it has proved our worst fears


why do we export violence?

and increase tension

for local people and neighbors

it leads nowhere


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Life doesn't end

Life doesn't end

Sunday, 1st September 2019


Nothing to worry

and nothing to hurry

do nothing in haste

but never be late


life doesn't end

but sends the signals continuously

life means constant move

go for it and ask for no live proof


whoever has taken birth

it shall have to face the death

nothing remains permanent

it has to face an abandonment


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Three cheers

Three cheers

Saturday,31st August 2019


Only to write

and ignite

the passion

along with the compassion


the show must go on

the life must be won

not on all the fronts

but wherever you confront


the aim is to work

with promising words

and always look forward

and attempt at where you are heard


You may not have large followers

or not even ...

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