The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

MAG Poetry Competition 2010 - Deadline Approaches!

entry picture

The MAG Poetry Prize is more than a writing competition – it’s a poetic e-democracy!

A genuinely anonymous peer review system is what sets this competition apart from all others – there are no appointed judges, the entrants judge the competition themselves. It’s a knockout system in three rounds: In each round the entrants read 12 poems, so that in the first round each poem is read 11 times, in the second round each will be read 39 times, and in the last round everyone reads the final shortlisted 12 poems. The judging takes place in May and June, but beware, if you don’t participate in the judging, you will be knocked out yourself!

You can write on any subject or in any style, a maximum of 42 lines, it costs £6 per poem, and the closing date is 30th April, 2010.

There are four top prizes, but what they will be depends on how many entries there are. The prize fund accumulates at £2 per entry (up to a maximum of £10,000); first prize will be 50% of the fund, the second will be 25%, third 15% and fourth 10%. All profits from the competition will be donated to MAG (Mines Advisory Group); a neutral and impartial humanitarian organisation that clears the remnants of conflict for the benefit of communities worldwide.

You can find out more and enter online at:

◄ 'Making Poetry' Workshop Programme 2010

Poésie sans Frontières ►

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