The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

'Making Poetry' Workshop Programme 2010

entry picture

A brand new programme of poetry workshops begins this weekend in Birmingham city centre.

All workshops take place at the Shakespeare Memorial in Birmingham city centre, and run from 1.30 – 4.30 pm. The cost is £18 per workshop (£15 concessions), with a 10% discount for 5 workshops when booked together (or 20% for 7 or more), and a further 10% discount on any workshop booked before 16th April.

A full year’s worth of workshops are detailed below:

17th April – Getting it Out There

Preparing work for publication, sending it out, putting together a pamphlet; with Jacqui Rowe

22nd May – Serious Play

A masterclass with Mario Petrucci; aiming to release the imagination into fresh realms populated by the unexpected.

19th June – Painting the Picture

Ekphrastic poetry with Jacqui Rowe; including a chance to visit Birmingham Art Gallery

17th July – ShadoWork – Writing and Performance as Group Activity

Masterclass with Mario Petrucci. Participants will explore Mario’s ‘co-vocal’ approach to writing and performance.

14th August – Finding the Form

Choosing the form for a poem, including a look at specific forms such as haikus and sonnets. With Jacqui Rowe.

18th September – Ideas in Things

Jacqui Rowe and Meredith Andrea show how to use objects as an inspiration for poetry.

23rd October – The Mapmaker’s Workbox

A re-run of last year’s popular workshop on the theme of maps and journeys; with Jacqui Rowe and Meredith Andrea

13th November – Windows and Icebergs

Observation, the senses, memory, reflection, imagination are all potential paths in to new and exciting writing. Masterclass with Mario Petrucci.

11th December – All the Ages We have Ever Been

Writing poetry for children and adults; qualities of playfulness and delight in sound, form and image. Masterclass with Philip Gross.

You can find more details about these workshops, how to make your payment, and the venue location at:

◄ Fatima Wins Wigan 2010 Slam

MAG Poetry Competition 2010 - Deadline Approaches! ►

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