The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.


When I built my road
I had all the help in the world
But it was up to me to lay the bricks
And it was that part, that sticks.
I'd pick a stone up in my hand to lay it,
Felt like all I did was betray
Myself and my own destiny,
I'd lay it where They told me.
Then one day I guess I had some sort of grand epiphany
The bricks laid down so gently when I focused on me
And a path began to form,
Away from the dotted line,
Destiny always reveals itself with time,
And I built my road away
From They.

It was hard as fuck to do,
The weeds and bracken around me grew
To terrible heights,
Gave me quite the unholy fright some nights
But there's a comfort in knowing your own way
Despite and because of what They say
And leaving them behind, in the end,
Just shows you who are your real friends.

Family isn't blood like they say
It's the people who lead you away from the Them
The people who try not to conform. 
You see everyone has a path to go down
And sometimes they are dusty and brown
But sometimes there is life coming back,
A little sprout grown through a crack
And flowers come to chase away
The sorrow of staying
On they way
Chose for you.


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