The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Get Creative!

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Here are six more photos to make some sort of creative reaction too... whether it's a poem, flash fiction, short sentence, a short story, six words describing each image, a poem, screenplay, or if you've got the time, use all the pictures in the Picture this series to create a novel the easy way!

Whatever, write something and put it in Comments box below this article to share with the world.

The rules are:
Whatever you want them to be!!

You can use just one photo or them all!

The choice is yours!




◄ Words are soooo yesterday...

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<Deleted User> (7790)

Wed 7th Apr 2010 07:47

Hey I am an Olga.
Olga is a title not a name.
It comes from the wet end of the wind, the soggy shinka where the wind is still extricating itself from the water. We are the sonar that locates the unspoken.

Hey there, Collapsible!
This is a recipe, a formula for rummaging.
There are bedsheet ghosts
and there are tablecloth ghosts who are quite a bit floppier.

Tonight you will see syrup.
Tonight you will see Mr Meerholm’s Jellyfish chutney

Follow the Welsh Rarebit into the hole
Rummage around for a correct assessment of your height
Among stock cubes

Who are you with your ridicule squeezing from a clabber-lipped plastic tomato dispenser?
Even marmalade contains riptides

<Deleted User> (7790)

Wed 7th Apr 2010 06:18

They loaded the sparsely decorated room into the Scottish ambulance,

Inserted an intravenous drip feed of swatch-matched matt emulsion

With nought point two percent upright, cherry wood carcass piano for character...

The paramedics stopped, briefly, to skewer tangerines 

Onto an angus bull's dilemma

Then off toute de suite
 to the Scottish Hospital specialising

In silhouette microsurgery

And insect to human organ donation

There, the room was rushed into theatre on a beveled looking glass

And given the internal mannerisms of a roadkill bee

Three months deeper into the calendar,
the room beat unremittingly against its own casement windows

Humming in expanding horror

Twisting its entirety out of the first fully opened door --

To start the reversal from fruit to flower 

From window to when

<Deleted User> (7164)

Tue 6th Apr 2010 19:59

Singled Out

A clementine, singled out, excluded, because orange is not pc in poetry.
Virtually kicked from a great height,
in flight it squashed a bee which skimmed the surface of a chemical trail, its bloody insides scattered across a pale blue sky..

and in a parallel universe the shadow of a ghost stretches out along a floor as the reflection of a woman stands immortalized in the mirror.
Her eyes, empty and withdrawn cause mine to stray to an animal's horn, plastered to the wall.
The only clue as to what happened to a solitary bull in an open field and the bloodshed which might have occurred..

and in the next room the dull glow from a bulb, its true colours and brightness dimmed by a shade, too big for the stand, concurs with the silence emanating from a standard piano, black and white concealed and musical scores packed away.

In the absence of police, an individual whose identity cannot be revealed, reported the aforesaid atrocities to the Scottish Ambulance Service who said,
''Sorry mate, you're on your own. It's out of our jurisdiction.''

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Colin Watts

Mon 5th Apr 2010 18:37

Now the buzzing has stopped
I'm horny for your flesh, your zest
You are my savious, I see
your face in my mirror
light of my life

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Mon 5th Apr 2010 14:08

to the tune of darkly aging noire
the lamp danced shadows to the wall
as busy as the decor of a welsh woman's flat

all ornament and pottery and floral thing and tat
in all its ugly gordiness the principle still holds
we attach to things precious life like pirates horde gold
when that life is just the memories in the objects that we kept
when we grow old and our footsteps are echoes in the hall
the lamp dances shadows to the wall
that show that time goes by

<Deleted User> (7134)

Sun 4th Apr 2010 13:39

Playing the fool is the biggest thing you can do.

Highland coo to gal below:
"I'm trapped behind something I cannot make sense of... it's lines are a thick straw, which, I cannae crawl under.
Oh to be a bee on it's final breath of air.
...I'm lonely - do'th it show? Please tell me you care... about me standing day by day
folk flashing my eyes; keen to walk away.


Oh gal, you've no words to give me... mais draw a sign to say
'head to field three of highest Skye and shoot the coo today'..."

"je voudrais... mais... I'm stuck in a feckin' mirror - is this unclear..?"

(And so the coo chewed et le lady stood)


darren thomas

Sat 3rd Apr 2010 09:36

The 10 O’ clock news with Fanny Inyeface…

Bee addict making bee-line for drugs white-lines dies in no time…

Suicidal Satsuma in high rise standoff…

Chernobyl Scientists deny Lakeland woman’s claim for compensation…

Details of Scottish Health Service’s patients self-removal of bum-boils announced…

Grim Reaper reflects on eviction notice after maintaining that flat is haunted with mutant Lakeside women...

Police deny that an undernourished officer and his oversized hat were solely responsible for their failure to discover valuable stolen piano. “The officer's behaviour was upright and in tune with Force policy" said Inspector Graham Sharp.

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 2nd Apr 2010 21:56

The room is vast and tasteful
and of no time or fashion.
As curleques delight around your image true.
The frame as curled as the horns of exotic cattle.
Our hearts as soft as oranges and lemons
but twice as bitter.
Your bee-stung lips smile at me from the mirror.
The vast and tasteful mirror of no time or fashion.

<Deleted User> (6292)

Fri 2nd Apr 2010 19:07

She made a beeline for me

She was going to get it

Bee down

Buzz 999 on my Orange

daa daa daa daa daa daa

Spent the whole night in A&E

Ward 7 in the ‘Viccy’

Hope she makes it

Most times she’s a honey

But today in Glasgow she was a cow

I need more space

I need time to reflect and get back to my music

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