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Trying New Things

I've been invited on a ghost hunt

So, I, of course, said yes!

What these people hope to find

I can only guess.

The eerie, the strange

The truly macabre

Haunting and daunting

Where does one start?

I've heard from some folks

About 'certain encounters'

Odd goings on

Alone in the darkness.

Voices and shadows

Movements, vibrations

Spine tingling visions

Then gone with no traces.

So many a tale of fright and possession

Tales filled with evil

And wicked obsession.

Things that cannot 

Be explained with normal thought

It seems the question is...

To believe or not.

I look forward to this outing

I'll be sure to take some notes

Then perhaps I'll do some writing

And share my anecdotes.




ghost huntingmacabreparanormalsupernatural

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Don Matthews

Sun 23rd Jun 2019 00:07

Spectral spectator
Viewing night
Any ghosts
Round in sight?

In the dead
Of the night
Spectral 'tator
Scared alright....

(Sorry Rose. A ghost made me do it.....)

<Deleted User> (9882)

Sat 22nd Jun 2019 11:03

I am waiting with bated breath Lisa for a share in those anecdotes. You could call me a spectral spectator ?

now then, where's that coat? ?

Rose ?

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Don Matthews

Sat 22nd Jun 2019 10:21

I see a problem Lisa
About you taking notes
You're gonna need a light to see
To see what you have wrote

Unless I am mistaken
Ghosts and light don't mix
So if you do go flick a switch
The ghosts you'll see are nix....

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Fri 21st Jun 2019 22:16

You have us drawn in and we hope for a follow up please Lisa! I think the crux of this is "to believe or not" I have heard of cases where complete sceptics have been converted.


Devon Brock

Fri 21st Jun 2019 21:59

Sounds like fun. The conversational tone of this is so pleasing to read.

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