The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Brink of Time

Long ago and far away

Are the worlds of yesterday.

We stand upon the brink of time

Where shadows rule and blind leads blind.

Nations quake, the seas they rage,

What help now our yesterdays.


Cosy dreams and pageant's show

Since far away and long ago

Have brought us to the brink of time

Where clown and prince play pantomime.

We cheer, we boo, we clap our hands,

While in the wing the villlain stands.


Long ago and far away

There was a hero so some say.

Oh do we live or do we die?

Will he come or did he lie?

No pantomime, no stage nor play,

Not far away dread Judgment Day.


Towers fall, men weep and curse.

A sickle soon will sweep the earth.

Oh what to do? What to say?

Who will stand on Judgment Day?

No acted play, no worshiped shrine

Can take us passed the brink of time.



judgement daypantomimebrink of timecosy dreamsherovillain

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Thu 20th Jun 2019 19:22

Thank you DoRoThY, Lisa, Charles S and Steve H. ><>

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