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The folly of lust

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As a teen, my mam used to put the mockers on my Friday nights out by saying “If you meet any girls treat them with respect, they are someone’s daughter or sister, don’t be having any casual sex or one-night stands”



Last Saturday night I was out with my mate

He is meeting his bird, I am on a blind date

He’d said she was fit, but from where I was sat

She looks like a bulldog choking on a cat


Well I look at this girl after eight pints or less

And she’s changed from a toad into a pretty princess

The rest of this tale reads just like a book

I buy her a drink and say do fancy a … dance

Then whisper sweet nothings of love and romance


We leave the pub for the chippy, then walk to the new …

Estate where she lives and go in for a brew

The coffee is foul, but I don’t much care

For it seems that her interests are lying elsewhere


I wake the next morning as sober as could be …

With the epitome of ugliness lying next to me

The first thought in my mind, is to get out of there

She’s Freddie Kruger in a wig from the Elm Street nightmare


So I pick up my clothes and shoes from the floor

Then creep down the stairs and out the front door

Skulking outside getting dressed in the rain

Then I am off down the street like an express train


I call round to my mates and beg him never to give

That lass my phone number or address where I live

I see her every now and then, sad eyes full of hurt and mistrust

and I feel the stabbing pangs of guilt brought on by the folly of lust



Lustone night stand

◄ Going back on my roots

Where’s me head? [Where is my head?] ►


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jennifer Malden

Sat 18th May 2019 20:17

Surely she didn't expect much after one night? Perhaps it had happened once too often! Would have been worse if you had gone on seeing her just to have a handy bonking partner. At least she knew you were to strike off her list. Think Brian will call you out?


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Jason Bayliss

Sat 18th May 2019 17:12

Mate, if it's any consolation, I spent about a decade of my life from mid-late teens to mid-late twenties pretty much driven solely by lust, it was essentially just one long drunken orgy. Mind you, we always tried to be honest and respectful towards each other.

Some might say you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your princess.

I'd say it's more like, you might have to kiss quite a few princesses before you find your own.

J. ?

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 18th May 2019 16:50

I like to think that the lass in question will find happiness elsewhere.
The moral from these lines is patently clear
Remain sober and caring - and stay off the beer!

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Don Matthews

Fri 17th May 2019 12:13

Serves you right....?

<Deleted User> (18980)

Fri 17th May 2019 07:24

You cad Sirrah!

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