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Results of Cafe Writers Competition

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The winners of the Norwich Cafe Writers Open Competition have been announced from nearly 1600 poems entered from far and wide. The judge was George Szirtes
Open Competition

First Prize (£1000)                 Deer                    Helen Mort, Cambridge  
Second Prize (£300)               Comfort              Rosemary Norman – Richmond,London
Commended (£50)                 First days on the houseboat            Ian McEwen Bedford
                                                Fresno with Martha                         Bob Mee, Snitterfield ,
                                                The Trees in Autumn                       Richard Lambert Norwich
                                                Space Station                                   Lydia MacPherson Camb
                                                You Tell Me                                     Matthew Brown - London
Norfolk Prize
Winner (£100)                        Sunlight and Rain                           Tom Warner - Norwich
Nancy Jervis Prize (£150)                        
Winner                                    Reconciliation                                 Phillip Donnell – New Zealand
Some other commended poems (open competition - no prize)

Competition                            Sarah Luczaj - Poland
Emigrated                               Sheila Grundy – Richmond N.Yorks
Butterfly                                 Valerie Morton Wheathampstead, Herts
With the Silence                     Steve Layzell - London
Twin                                       Heather Freckleton – Chester
Train                                      Joan Stansbury Devon
Eighteen                                Rosemary Norman – Richmond,London
Harsh Coast                          Jenny Morris Norwich
Commended, no prize, Nancy Jervis

Holy Family Halos               Vishvantara (Julia Lewis) London
Reconciliation                     Nicky Guthrie, Beauly, Inverness
Betrayed                              Angela Pickering - Woodbridge

◄ Manic Monday - Cardiff

Cryptic Poem 002: Intellect ►

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