The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Poetry Jam at the Marsden Jazz Festival

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The famous, incredibly popular Marsden poetry jam at the Marsden jazz festival is on Sunday 14th October, a weekend when this Pennine village has music everywhere: its Mechanics Institute, its famous pubs, clubs and cafes, and in the streets. 

Now in its ninth year, the poetry jam has become an annual showcase for the work of Marsden Write Out Loud group, as well as attracting jazz festival attendees and people from wide and near, showing the fantastic talent of the people, by the people. The Railway Inn – once Simon Armitage’s local, he told Write Out Loud – tends to be standing room only by the 11.00 start, so do get there early if you want to read, or just listen.

Retired Guardian journalist Judy Gordon wrote “The range of poets and ages at the morning session in the welcoming Railway pub was an eye and ear-opener.  The quality of the work was the most startling thing – all extremely good, some outstanding and yet more simply astonishing. It was a joy from start to finish.”

Greg Freeman adds: “…an event where the wit and wisdom of poets empowered to make their voices heard never fails to lift the spirits.”

All are invited to read their own work or just listen. You are advised to arrive early as the pub tends to be packed with poets by 11.00.

Marsden Write Out Loud Poetry Jam, part of Marsden the Poetry Village.  14th October 2018. 11.00 – 13.30 Railway Inn, Station Road, Marsden, Huddersfield HD7 6DH 

– 01484 841541 (pub’s telephone). Free entry.


◄ This is Just to Say: John Woodall, Offa's Press

Matt Abbott: Two Little Ducks ►

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