The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

Painless Torture

This night oh this dark and lovely night where the moon dances with my eyes and till the sun rises again

I have not felt a pain so uneasy as this in years it brings me to the edge of my seat

My heart wont miss a beat

The heavier my eyes grow the more the night glows

And I must refuse to sleep

Body exhausted and my mind a bottomless pit of potential

Thinking of things of old and new things that i can do 

Need not the rest of the body but the rest of the soul

As it grows old and the night moves foward i see only a childish wonder 

The dreams of repetition over and over while i toss and turn but i wont roll over hoping that my energy kills over just to pass over to the next being to the next thing its all crazy now im hugging the moon in my wet dreams

I need you sleep i want you but we cant be one but we can be done you are that goal that light in the tunnel my gold at the end of the rainbow

Say it aint so ive danced with the sheep jumping over the fence seen the twinkling star whle i pray to repent 

Oh let me be free me of my demons you hear me 

Sleep please come find me



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