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On Camera

On Camera

My life is like a movie

Seeing that replica Mustang roll in and crash at the airshow

My life is like a movie

Witnessing an ex dealer who'd just been shot in his home

My life is like a movie

Viewing Oldham riots on TV that were five minutes away

My life is like a movie

Gazing down upon Manila Bay at the enduring sunrise from Bataan

My life is like a movie

Observing different people and cultures in a dozen countries

My life is like a movie

Glancing at my thigh as the tattooist inks my goth girl tattoo

My life is like a movie

Noticing the Mancunian drunks fighting on the nightbus home

My life is like a movie

Gaping in desolation at the coffin that contains my mum

My life is like a movie

Watching the mad Irish man loop the Grumman Duck in Murphy's Law

My life is like a movie

Admiring the sexy girls I've nailed in the big bakery

My life is like a movie

Scrutinizing the Asians to see if they'll try to assault me


My life is like a movie

Eyeballing my soon to be ex friend who's kissing my girlfriend

My life is like a movie

Focusing on the road ahead as I illegally race the other car

My life is like a movie

Staring at the men lying by the kerb wondering are they dead?

My life is like a movie

Studying the vertical cliff above me to find a way up

My life is like a movie

Peering into the sky to find my dad's ghost that's up there

My life is like a movie

Scanning at my wage slip to see if my pay will cover my beer and bills

My life is like a movie

Regarding my mate who just vomited up his kebab and chips

My life is like a movie

Glimpsing the chavs fighting the teenage couple over the river

My life is like a movie

Right till my last breath and final vision when my Goddess takes me home




◄ Death Cash

Biplanes Attack! ►


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