The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

Stressed, Thinking Of How You'd Undress

fuck, i'm so damn stressed
thinking about you,
missing the way you'd get undressed
but you started acting brand new
and to be real, i was just unimpressed..
out of the blue, 
didn't know what to do..
did you forget how you caressed 
my broken heart 
and sewed up my chest?
wish i could undue 
what i started with you
wish i could turn back time
and never even begin to invest
my love and heart in you 
with you
cause you left me all alone
i'm in my zone
unimpressed with this shit
i'm just so damn stressed with this shit
wish i never woulda messed with this shit
but now no turnin back
nope and for a matter a fact
i'm just gonna play dumb
and act like all my feelings are numb
cause ain't no winnin player in this shit
at least not the one actin like a hurt bitch
so i said goodbye to my tears
head held high,
got no fears..
i'm so damn stressed 
and maybe a little bit depressed
but i'm okay today
and that's all i got left to say

stressedword to youCruz 2017

◄ She Makes You Feel Alive, But She's Dead Inside



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