The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Room

The Room 


It's smaller on the inside,

Come and be my guide.

The lock shrinks the place, 

to such a tiny space.

The space is retreating,

It stops your heart beating,

Room starts swimming,

Constricting air thinning.

Can't help feeling sickly,

I need to get out quickly,

It constricts your chest 

Lead weight thermal vest.

Sweat covers my brow,

Need to get out now. 

Sound blurs to a foggy mist,

Distorted noisy twist.

I can hear the room creaking,

Air escaped, space retreating. 

Lock turns,

Can't get out,

Panic starts,

Can't breath,

Can't speak

Can't see,

Can't do it.

Can't hear. 

Can't be here.


Mental healthanxietyclaustrophobia

◄ The Bitch

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