The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

A Fair Exchange

"Wine is sunlight held together by water" - Galileo Galilei

That cold May week in England
with its soggy clouds and sullen skies
seemed to offer little cheer
as the sun meekly went early to bed

But on Italian slopes, she was doing a far better job;
shining with vigour and love
caressing the grapes, forcing a smile
pressing them into action

Yorkshire’s becks and streams did their part, I’m sure
by selflessly drawing and holding the deluge
so those southern vines could prosper
and yield their bounty

So, come October, I’ll treat myself and savour that happy Italian blend
and I’ll be grateful for that cold May week in England

(written in soggy mid-May 2017)



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David Lindsay

Sun 28th May 2017 11:41

Thanks Colin. Will have a look for that programme.
Now added the title ?

<Deleted User> (13762)

Sun 28th May 2017 09:21

what a wonderful justification for our dismal climate albeit completely unfair that we should suffer for the Italians' viticulture industry. Did you watch that programme recently about the bunch of Brits hoping to make a go of it in Tuscany?

thanks for posting David - very much enjoyed. I think it deserves a title tho - suggest using the rather delicious quote from Galileo Galilei?


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