The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.


Tread softly, transient visitor.

Impact gently.

We are burdens, weighing upon the world.

Rest light.

Leave no trace.


Our networks.  Friends.   Relatives.

Support our mental/emotional health.

Our spiritual wellbeing.

Earth supports our physical selves.

Dependency-webbed, we're bonded.


We draw upon our networks.

And are drawn upon, testing bonds.

Some break.  Some strengthen.


Strong lattice.

Structured as snow.

Interlinked crystal flakes hang in complex symmetry.

Suspended on currents.

Rise.  Buoyed over obstacles.


Heavy flakes smash upon rocky crags.

Lie broken in drifts.


Isolated, single elements fall.

Shatter on icy wastes.



Draw upon your web.

Strengthen bonds.

Float your flake in drifting winds.

Pass on.


Settle without impact.

Amidst kindred.


Lie in gentle beauty.

Sleep.  Thaw.  Renew.

Our perpetual cycle.


cycle of lifeecofootprinthuman impactimpactwater cycle

◄ Watch Over Me

Solitude's serenity ►


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