The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

Written Off

Your a Kraken, a gorgon, a monster.

You don't bite,

It's not even spite.

You maybe don't know the damage you do.

Screwed over, discriminated against, scrap.

That's what I am. 


My life is crap.

I can't prove them wrong,

It's stolen away.

No chance of change.

Never mind - I am mad anyway.

Who gives a toss?

I am really no loss.

No one will even notice,

Just one less strain on the NHS.

Write me off,

I will stay away,

Can't do a job,

Unless they say.

Legislation protects,

Unless one forgets.

There is no truth, equality or rights.

It's just about people's everyday fights.

mental healthdiscrimination

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Louise Hogg

Mon 19th Jun 2017 14:17

Sadly we live in a world of stigma. Predudice closes doors everyday for people and although legislation exists people may be too ill to fight it. It frightens me that we believe we live in a tolerant world, where actually there is little understanding, tolerance or most importantly empathy. It's very sad. The clause 'reasonable adjustments' means that employers can discriminate as they see fit. Maybe I am just very cynical.

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Robert Mann

Fri 16th Jun 2017 15:38

Louise - I take it this is a protest piece in the wake of an employer's lack of support and understanding, which could/should be construed as discrimination. Mental health is all over current news, so employers, especially public bodies, should really get with the programme or be exposed. Impossible to handle this alone though, so the press or a solicitor or both should be alerted. No-one should have to put up with stigma any more.

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