The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

Advice to a poet

Take your time

Don't just try to rhyme

Put meaning into every line

No, it doesn't have to come out right

Just write

It's fine

Every piece reviewed and refused can later be renewed 

Break it down and then stick it together with crazy glue

Don't mind if they call you crazy - you

You are an idealist in the realist eyes

But they fail to realize

Reality is dynamic


Writer's  block! 

Do not panic

Use that block as a corner stone

With pen and paper

You can build a skyscraper 

Just take your time

May be a few minutes, a day, a week,  month, a year

Just write

You don't want to look back and say that you left the life of a poet 

Stay right here



◄ What is he saying?

Inspired by Beleaf's song:Depressed ►


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Juan Pablo Lynch

Tue 7th Feb 2017 12:24

Thanks for the comment Colin. I have encountered so many people that testify of being done with writing poetry and it really saddens me so I was definitely going for persuasive.

<Deleted User> (13762)

Tue 7th Feb 2017 08:03

You've persuaded me Juan. I'll stay ?. Can I borrow a pot of crazy glue?

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