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Living With Roommates

Wake up,
Winter morning,
And then it hits.


It's okay,
Especially when
It's not. 

I do my ritual.
I like my ritual.
My ritual calms me.
I say my mantra:
"This too shall pass"
And inside I cry out,
Outside I smile.

Your discomfort 
Is palpable.
What indeed
Would you do

Anxiety and Panic
Are roommates of mine.
I don't enjoy their company,
And they sure as hell
Don't pay rent.
I think we all have
Mine are just louder.

Think for a second,
I'm sure, 
You'll identify yours. 
My advice?
Make your peace,
Drop your baggage.
Take off your coat,
And stay awhile.


◄ Imitation and Perception

He Saw ►


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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 7th Jan 2017 14:58

A great idea- originally expressed - with pizzazz.

Jemima Jones

Thu 5th Jan 2017 18:02

best advice anyone can give.Thank you Josie.Jemima.

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Thu 5th Jan 2017 15:52

Really well written & in a style I enjoy reading too.....thanks for sharing......Jeff

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