The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

Introspection (acrostic)

In careful pursuit of peace
Nothing should be allowed to impede, yes even
Treacherous thoughts should be accepted, so that
Reason is slowly allowed to win
Observe then, with each of your
Senses, the inner core of your being
Proudly sweating with the heat
Emanating from your humanity and permit the
Cold fresh wind of change to breeze into your mind
Time has no meaning if you do this right
If you regard it as the kind adventure it truly is
One single step at a time can be as useful as a flight to the stars
Never dull, nor selfish, is the journey to Introspection.



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David Lindsay

Mon 11th Jul 2016 19:21

Very kind, gents. Thanks.


Sun 10th Jul 2016 03:32

introspection..a somewhat dreadful process when performed only for the sake of itself..yet your writing divulges its true purpose in elevating us beyond ourselves..I must agree with Stuart..a beautifully arranged piece of work


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Stu Buck

Sat 9th Jul 2016 18:10

this is really brilliant. i find acrostics very difficult to write, but the ease and grace with which this one is pulled off is fairly mind blowing. i have a real respect for works like this. the piece would be excellent on its own, even without the acrostic element, but added in it makes it really worth while. i am suitably impressed and more than a little jealous.

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