The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

Lukewarm Lover

Hold fast, my unwept tears; rest hard my heart,
he is not worthy of my devotion.
Raw attraction ensnared me at the start,
ardour an all-consuming emotion.
Lying in the aftermath of passion,
what is left to show of love? No caress?
It seems tenderness is out of fashion;
no warm embrace, no kiss to second guess.
His come to bed eyes, having had their way
now seem devoid of warm, caring senses;
if I snuggle, he thinks I want more play,
I can find no way through his defences.
So as I leave I know I won’t be back,
I won’t be thought a nymphomaniac!


◄ Haiku: Luminous

Bluebell woods ►


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Lynn Dye

Sun 17th Apr 2016 20:21

Thank you both!

Well, I think most women do really, LCPTB ;o)

And Rose, goodness thanks for 'girly' - don't get called that too often at my age, ha ha.

<Deleted User> (9882)

Sun 17th Apr 2016 17:45

'raw attraction ensnared me at the start' Beautiful!
as the rest of this poem is.Nice one girly!


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