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We'd drink

We’d laugh and drink
We’d stare and drink
We’d say we couldn’t care and drink

We’d talk and drink
He’d smoke and drink
We’d argue all night long and drink

I’d cry, we’d drink
He’d cry, we’d drink
Best have no time to think, just drink

We’d sleep then drink
We’d eat then drink
And further into sorry we’d sink

We’d sit and drink
We’d stand and drink
Let’s drink and just stay drunk we’d think


◄ Made up

I miss him still ►


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Fri 20th May 2016 22:48

This is powerful. Its such a huge statement and describes the casual way that some of us self destruct, Thank you.

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Fri 14th Aug 2015 22:42

I think this is so powerful; I don't drink much at all but I have seen it in action and been close to the attempted suicide of a girl friend partly due to it. Well done.

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Thu 13th Aug 2015 23:03

Thank you all for reading and commenting. Much appreciated. Thank you. M:) x

Lynn Hamilton

Thu 13th Aug 2015 20:49

Enjoyed reading Michelle. Cheers x

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Stu Buck

Thu 13th Aug 2015 16:32

This is clever in that not only does it take a touchy subject and make it jovial (in poetic terms anyway) but the repetition and language mirrors the over familiarity alcohol brings.

i dont know if that makes much sense, but i just fell asleep in the bath so i am not at my most verbose...

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 13th Aug 2015 15:59

Michelle snap Tommy

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Thu 13th Aug 2015 14:21

Thanks Dave. This was written a long time ago, but I still kinda like it.

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