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Story Time

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The sun had set at its usual hour

bringing excitement for a new found desire

of a book of mischeif or maybe magical power


we ran to the couch with an eager thrill

and daddy read as we listened still

as we hung to every suprising and unexpected word with will


Witches and forests that were frozen

to adventerous journeys unchosen


each word that was read

had danced in our head

and painted a place 

that held no time or space


still to this day when the the sun sets I reminisce and will never forget

all his magical heroes and wonderous woodlands that continue their immortal duet

NarniaStory TellingThe Chronicles of Narniamagicalchilds imagination

Becoming Alice ►


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Graham Sherwood

Mon 13th Oct 2014 12:36

This is a really nice, charming piece. I think it could be improved if the rhythm of each line was in better balance and trilled more evenly.

well done,


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