The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

Valentine 2014 (number 25)



January has gone, thank fuck.

Now this sorry month, is bereft of cold too.

All we have is a sister's unwanted birthday

and this day, set aside for love.


I accept there's something about snow,

be it a softening that makes worlds new,

or an awakening that kindles something in you.

An ancestral memory of a Nordic flow, maybe.


So I hope that between now and March

arctic winds get together and blow

freeze, sodden ground starch stiff.

What greater gift for your birthday?


Until then, I'll clench an unseasonal rose

between coffee stained teeth 

because, beneath this broke back exterior,

I still grow for you..


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Neil Fawcett

Thu 13th Feb 2014 15:41

As ever thanks for your insightful comments Harry. I quite like the random rhymes, but i suppose it does make the poem a little less conventional.

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Harry O'Neill

Wed 12th Feb 2014 14:47

As someone also missing the cold, I find this unconventionally unusual

I like the `bereft` in stanza one.

Stanza one is striking, and its effect, with stanza two,
is first `softening` and then contrastively freezingly `stiff`. both of them ( With the `25` of the title) preparing for lastingness of the final `I still grow for you`

About the half rhyming I`m not sure (the over-hang of`maybe` and the (random?) catch-up of `march` and `starch` ?. I suppose it could be called `modern`...but?

That`s what I call love.

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