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The Borrow

The Borrow



     ‘Oh how the mighty have fallen’

     They say,

Referencing the frail, the fat, the fucked,


You couldn’t wait to bring them down,

Watching till they’re frail, they’re fat, they’re fucked


You never really knew,

Never knew the sacrifice they made


     You’re envious,

Laughing with scorn labelling them,

Frail, fat, fucked.


     Before you,

Is the life you have,

But you’re busy looking for

The frail, the fat, the fucked,

Before them,

     Be a lifetime filled with sorrow

For the comrades lost,

And you never knew they gave

Their all for you,

Never knew the sacrifice they made,

For as you were feathering your nest,

They were the protectorate of your land,

     And you’ve kept your lifelong

Friends that you swap the latest trends,

But for them,

Their time is but a moment,

Where friends may not live again,

And still you laugh with scorn,

While they’re torn within themselves,

And you just don’t know that

They even sacrificed the friends they had,

To be beside their English rose,

But the quandary set aside deep rooted quarrel,

That you just,

You just couldn’t comprehend,


     They had a life outside of you

They had a life that knew no bounds,

But now they are disabled

You’re looking on with glee

And oh how the mighty have fallen,

     You say,

Those frail, those fat, those fucked,



Would you do the same within return –

     I ask,

Would you destroy yourself

For family and country,

Would you leap – the unnamed bullet

For the sanity of your people??

Could you strip your weapon blindfold

Could you assault a gun position,

Could you leap into abyss,

Knowing all that’s vulnerable,

Could you I ask sincerely………

………kill yourself for others freedoms?

As for you,

     Their pulse, was just a borrow.



Michael J Waite 13th July 2013.


Dedicated to Her Majesty's Armed Forces!


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Dave Bradley

Thu 25th Jul 2013 09:26

Very powerful. There's a poem of mine somewhere on WOL - '1968' - about the one year that the armed forces saw no action. Let's hope there are more 1968's.

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Sun 14th Jul 2013 10:02

I've just realised how the end ties in with the title - that's a brilliant touch and amidst the anger and the bitterness, there is great sadness.

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Sun 14th Jul 2013 10:00

Their pulse, was just a borrow.

That's a very powerful line to end on and you make your point so well.

There's a lot of bitterness and anger in here Michael and you raise many valid questions. Just why do we go to war in certain countries - and do we really improve things, whilst spilling the blood of our own loved ones?

I'm not a politician, so I don't always follow the wrongs and rights of it all. I just know that I'd die if my son ever joined the armed forces - it's the lack of control over one's own destiny I'd hate - and the danger.

I just thank God we are no longer in an era where World War is likely - at least not fought on the ground.


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