I'm a right softy me,
I long to write something cutting
Something head butting
But it comes out like puppies, teddy bears or bubbles
If only I had some attitude
I could say something really rude
Oops sorry, Just slipped out
I don't swear much, me
Well, I do in my head,
In my head, I've got clout.....
I don't eff and blind
Well, not all the time
But I'll speak from the gut
When it all goes tits up
Oops Sorry...............
I love to read the edgy stuff
Where the grit and shit's intended
I want to fit in twat and fuck
Sorry... don't read that line, if easily offended
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Mon 8th Jul 2013 11:56
Shocking! -ly delightful for a hot summer's day.