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Our extinction on this planet - our eventual elimination...

Seems dangerously linked to over-population,

Yet those here least able are encouraged to afford

Cash for unseen legions multiplying abroad.


Is it just me?  Am I heartless or worse

To wonder why strangers seek to empty my purse?

Nature takes no prisoners, her lessons are plain,

Too many mouths are a suicidal strain.


So - as humanity over-populates this old Earth,

It's not just a question of value or worth,

We are constantly encouraged to carry on giving

But are we funding our demise for some short-term living?


◄ NATURE'S BLUE-PRINT (or putting the fox among chickens)



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Harry O'Neill

Thu 11th Jul 2013 23:29

Apparently they read us in Sumatra and both sides have done a bit of `extincting` for themselves: tigers

I am amazed that the prosperous west has not yet worked out the long-term demographics of what is happening on the birth control front. Everyone seems to be suddenly incensed at the number of immigrants without asking why they are here.

If Britain doesn`t start sorting this out then we are all going to be more `up the tree` than those guys in Sumatra.

(by the way, I think tigers are beautiful (but from the other side of strong bars)

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 9th Jul 2013 14:33

As a contributor the the David Shepherd scheme to save the tiger, I am painfully aware how the habitats of so many of our fellow creatures are threatened by over-population abroad. If anyone asked me to fund contraception and provide a financial incentive for not decimating the environment, I'd be even happier. I am intrigued by any assertion - in this essentially techically demanding age - that wholesale immigration into these small islands is to be desired. Selective - brainy and/or financially well-off maybe; but when we have a million of our own young people out of work then something is amiss with our thinking on this subject and our own education system. As another old codger, I am still paying tax via my pension and anything I receive has been agreed by legal contract with my own government during my working life. I have paid up and I still continue to pay up - and contribute!

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Greg Freeman

Mon 8th Jul 2013 23:38

Wise words, Harry. Well said.

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Harry O'Neill

Mon 8th Jul 2013 23:29

As a vigorous and wholehearted contributer to the worlds population myself I have long been interested in the point you raise.

World population day nears and the good news is that the world population is set to peak.

Apparently (particularly in the developed countries) much of the increase has been due to us old farts living longer. We have no need to worry though, as the immigrants have come in to most of the richer countries to work and ensure that our pensions are properly funded.

Not to mention population replenishment (it is reported that half of the babies born last year in Britain were born to foreign-born mothers)

As an old codger myself, I too wish to keep all the goodies `in house` so to speak, but I am sure that the off-spring of the newcomers will eventually adopt our own contraceptive habits and grow old and sparsely childed like ourselves.

I appreciate that this may mean a continuing immigration stream (to fund the continuing `pension` needs and consumer numbers) but this is to be desired.

So, helping to keep up the numbers overseas will - in the long run - benefit us, and all the the other economically well-off nations.

So fear not folks, our foreign aid is well spent in providing future immigrants for our own needs - so keep giving!

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Mon 8th Jul 2013 12:42

You are honest about a real problem, and confront the animosity lurking in many breasts about the basic 'humanitarian' issue, population growth. Birth control in countries requiring so much financial assistance would be a productive step forward. When there is nothing else to do, the human animal copulates - and populates. The ancient idea that 'numbers rule' is still the operating force in many undeveloped minds of the 21st century. It is a real thorn of ideology that must certainly be addressed.

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