The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Memorial Day

1941, the 22nd of June,
The sky with the waning moon.
It was Sunday.
Today it’s the saddest day
In the history
Of my long-suffering country.

In the very early morning
Without any warning
Hitler broke the non-aggression pact
And my motherland was attacked.
The Great Patriotic War had started
With peaceful life the land had parted.

Many years have passed since then,
No one wants the war to repeat again.
We remember the glorious defenders
Who fought for the fascist surrenders.

The Memorial Day is today.
No one shouts “Hurray!”
The Day of Memory and Grief.
But with the hope and belief we live
That horror will never happen.
Peaceful life should be the canon.

Eternal memory to the heroes!
They fought for life without sorrows.

©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
The 22nd of June, 2013


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Joshua Van-Cook

Sun 23rd Jun 2013 00:46

This is interesting, both from a historical and an ethical position. It's interesting that the war is in itself evil but it's participants aren't necessarily all villains, I believe that's true in all such conflicts on more than one side a lot of the time. Many believe duty to their country, their families or their deities comes before all else, and whatever I may think about those sentiments or their position in the war/ battle in question, I respect that it's what primarily compels them to act as they do. I have also learned something this day and I thank you greatly for the information.

Enjoy the time as much as you can,
All the best!

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