The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

Hell From Leather

It's hell from leather for the animal within, 

And fur is no fun if it was ripped from your back, 

Just where is the dignity, can't you cut me some slack?


Once we ran free through trees and through bush,

Once we knew the breeze and the grass so very lush,

Then came mankind to fence us in and make us eat slop,

Why do they call man kind when he wants us for the chop?


While we may be a resource for some humans to eat,

While we may be the source of what you wear on your feet,

Still you could think of better ways for all to be treat,

With some kind words and space and good care from a vet.


Don't treat us like objects with no rights to life of our own,

Don't keep us in penned sheds, give us space where to roam,

Our lives could be better than the battery chickens now know,

For it isn't so much to ask before on your table we go...



March 22nd 2012



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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Tue 9th Jul 2013 14:52

Thanks Alex, I appreciate your comments. :)

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 17th Jun 2013 16:32

As omnivores, we owe it to ourselves and others
to exist in this world with as little
suffering as circumstances allow. Self-imposed
fastidiousness in eating is a matter of choice
we are allowed through nature's bounty. Other
creatures follow narrower paths of existence,
that's all.

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Fri 14th Jun 2013 19:33

Hi P&S - hope you are well. :) Amusing tale follows. Back in the 70's my late wife Marion became vegetarian after seeing the many cattle trucks heading down the A2 to Dover - there had been a lot of bad press about their treatment in Europe. But during our usual Saturday shop we stopped for elevenses in a cafe and never even thought before ordering and consuming bacon rolls. Later the penny dropped and a red faced spouse decided we wouldn't visit that cafe again as the tempting aroma would always be there... ;) ATB, Dave

<Deleted User> (6895)

Fri 14th Jun 2013 14:30

If only we had'nt been introduced
to carnivorousness eh Dave.

A tasty morsel of a poem.
Patricia and Stef.xx

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Wed 12th Jun 2013 01:37

Yes, there's a lot better life for a chicken than to be squashed into a tiny cage with it's bill clipped to reduce pecking injuries... Best wishes, Dave

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 11th Jun 2013 16:05

If there's one thing about husbandry I'd
willingly change,
It would be to make battery chickens "free range"!

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