The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

One for the couple at the back

Reflected in my beer

A face appears

That I haven't seen in years.


Says he's just had his heart broke,

So I offer him a smoke

And an attempt at a joke.


Through ambient amber hazes

We discussed the settled dust

And how we'd performed on our seperate stages.


How he'd backflipped

Into a basket,

That became a funeral casket.


I sat opposite

And bit my lip,

'Don't look at me for love advice mate, I'm shit!'


But if there's one thing I would say,

It might not take your demons away

But it could save you from future dismay.


Love's just a word,

A negotiable term,

Rarely spoken the same as it's heard.


A word, with a millions ways to be read

So be careful where you tred,

Cos what you hear isn't always what's said!


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Ged Thompson

Mon 25th Nov 2013 20:50

Very good mate

<Deleted User> (10123)

Wed 20th Mar 2013 12:36

Neat approach to broken heart, more times read, more times liked. ta muchly, Nick

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