The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

Note: No profile exists for this entry - most likely it was deleted.

the day of her leaving

entry picture



the day of her leaving


it's a bit battered now

but I remember it when it was pristine

pages almost sticking together as they opened for the first time

faces inside

staring back

unaware of time passing

monochrome memories


family, relatives, confetti, suits, shiny shoes

daft hairstyles back-combed into oblivion

me as a small boy

laughing at my sister

in white,

bridesmaids at her rear

this was the day of her leaving



mum,dad, posing awakwardly

makes me sad to see glenis again

immaculate eyeliner

self deprecatory smile

following behind

not wanting to look directly into the lens

monochrome memories


the vicar closes the wooden doors

as his fan club arrives to tidy up

pews with scratched in names by bored children

sit, dumb

waiting for the sunday morning brigade

to march past with open mouths and hearts

this is the body of christ

this was the day of her leaving


barrels of beer are loaded into the pub

people shout,laugh,talk too loudly,

speeches are made,

flrtatious glances and reddening cheeks

lovely grub joe!

Proper mash this!

monochrome memories


the last of the cake is wrapped in gaudy napkins

as relatives we may never see again

smile and cram into taxis

a flood of aunties pass me by

patting my head

until the next family occasion necessitates their presence

this was the day of her leaving


back in the house

her bed is empty

illuminated inconsiderately by the sun

traces of her make up

smeared across the old wooden drawers

provides a brief reprieve

monochrome memories


no more unbridled laughter

no one there to understand me

no one there to teach me how to draw

or make paper chains at christmas

no one there to stick up for me

despite landing in trouble herself

this was the day of her leaving


this was the day of her leaving

wedding photostime memories

◄ if?...

The Secret Place ►


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Gareth Writer-Davies

Tue 7th Feb 2012 22:57

Subtle stuff....

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Laura Taylor

Fri 14th Oct 2011 12:10

Aww, you had me all choked up last night when you read this. I think you were a little choked yourself too. Beautiful, so poignant. Really well read too John, always a pleasure to see you

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Elaine Booth

Wed 17th Aug 2011 00:21

John, love this poem. It is so full of depth of feeling and beautifully expresses a sense of desolation and loss. XX

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Tue 19th Jul 2011 13:43

This is a moving one. Lovely to see a brother voice these emotions also. Big northern families - there's nothing like them!

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Laura Taylor

Tue 19th Jul 2011 09:14

This is really very moving John, I enjoyed this in a sad sorta way. You've captured the emotions well, and the hustle and bustle of family gatherings - minus the big fight. Where's the big fight?! We always had one ;)

A poignant piece well written imo

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Ann Foxglove

Tue 19th Jul 2011 06:46

I loved reading this and found it really moving. And it's a perspective that I've never thought about before, a small brother left behind. Old photos eh - I really have to steal myself to look at them, esp the happiest ones for some reason!

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