The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.


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Forget about yesterday!

Live today!

Think and dream about tomorrow,

without any sorrow.


He tried to prove

that he was not a fool.

But in his eyes

I saw an elementary school.


Don’t look at me with fear!

It’s much better to drink beer.


I am looking for a man

who smokes, drinks and thinks

he is the best.

I’d like to share with him

the same interests.


She was an angel lass,

but…with tattoo on her ass.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska

November 26th, 2010

◄ A New Holiday

The Space of Love, the Space of Peace (Space) ►


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Lynn Dye

Mon 29th Nov 2010 23:07

I really enjoyed these, Larisa, especially the one about looking for a man to share the same interests! Love, Lynn xx

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Mon 29th Nov 2010 14:00

Oh! Forgot to tell you Steve. I was born on the 27th of May. I am Gemini. So, there was nothing strange if you thought of different writers.

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Mon 29th Nov 2010 13:21

Well, Steve! Is it a compliment or what? And with what other work you compared these "rzhepicks"? Do you mean other "rzhepicks" or my poems?

<Deleted User> (7164)

Sat 27th Nov 2010 14:49

Rarely perfect is it :-)

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