The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

Don't Touch My Heart! (Biting the bullet)

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Don’t touch my heart!

It is broken.

There is no love in it.

I have closed it.

No one cares to see it bleeding,

no one knows its needing.

Love bullet crashed it in pieces,

but I will never fall on my knees.

My heart is not feigning,

the scars are still paining,

but I will never cry,

I will never stand a lie.

There is no love in my heart,

but there is a hope for a new start.


Larisa R (Odessa, Ukraine)

29/9 2010

◄ It is so good.....

If you are a poet ►


<Deleted User> (7789)

Wed 29th Sep 2010 23:01

Hi Larisa! I like the honesty and the hope despite the disappointment expressed. The heart is of course really our private feelings and sometimes we show them and sometimes we don't - but we can still write about them and this is touchingly done here! x

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Wed 29th Sep 2010 22:36

Thank you, dear Lynn.

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Lynn Dye

Wed 29th Sep 2010 22:02

I like this poem, Larisa. And thank you for your kind comments on "Us and Them". Warmest wishes, Lynn xx

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Wed 29th Sep 2010 21:06

Thank you, dear Stefan for the suggestion. It sounds really better.

<Deleted User> (6895)

Wed 29th Sep 2010 20:35

Good Evening Larisa-nice,neat optimistic poem('new start')remember you asked me to help you if needed-som is it ok to suggest'no one-CARES-to see it bleeding? don,t worry if you prefer your line-its still a really nice poem-Thank you-Stef-xx

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