The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

I Am an Actress

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I cry and you hear me laughing,


I am angry and you see me smiling,


I pray and you think I live,


I tell you the truth and you don't believe,


I make mistakes and you do not forgive,


I am so week and you say I am strong,


I am right and you say I am wrong,


I look at your eyes and you look at the floor,


I don't want to argue and you want more,


I hate and you flatter,


I suffer and you say it doesn't matter,


I hold out my hand and you clench a fist,


I speak about love and you say it doesn't exist,


I am happy and you do not see it,


I run and you make me to stumble,


I show you my love and you just gamble.


I've got so many masks


and you do not try to take them off.


I am an actress and you are watching a film


which is not on the screen but in reality,


the rest is just formality.




Larisa R(Odessa, Ukraine)

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Wed 29th Sep 2010 13:24

Thank you Lynn, Isobel, Ann, Stefan for the comments. With warmest wishes, Larisa

<Deleted User> (6895)

Tue 28th Sep 2010 23:26

Good evening Larisa-very clever poem-your best one yet! lots of love-Stef-xx

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Ann Foxglove

Tue 28th Sep 2010 07:15

I like this poem a lot Larissa. It has a noble feel! xx

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Mon 27th Sep 2010 23:17

Your poem has a lot of passion in it Larisa. I could imagine you as an actress. I like the line about the masks that he does not bother to take off. At it's core this is about unrequited love. Not bothering to understand a person is the greatest sign of disrespect - or lack of love at any rate. You have expressed it well.

I love Audrey Hepburn. She is grace and beauty personified. One of my daughters reminds me a lot of her. Grace is something that is timeless - don't you think? Nice poem. x

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Lynn Dye

Mon 27th Sep 2010 23:08

I really enjoyed this, Larisa. Warm regards, Lynn xx

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