The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

Site Enhancements

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We’ve put some new software on the site and here are the main changes we’ve introduced. You need to be logged in to use most of them.

My Account

Click on “My Account” and you will find a ‘control panel’ which you can use to perform various functions. We will be developing software to allow you to do more here over time.

There are 4 headings

  • User Settings – this gives you your basic details, allows you to change your name & password and allows you to unsubscribe from the newsletter should you wish to do so. Note: if you change your name here it does not change the name on your profile. If you have put any events onto the Gig Guide you can manage them from here.
  • Profile – here’s were you create and change your profile
  • Comments – a list of all the comments made by other people on your profile or blogs
  • Blog preferences – you will notice on ‘Blogs’ that you can exclude all the blogs posted by anyone whose blogs one doesn’t want to see at the moment. Blog preferences gives you a list of all those you have excluded and allows you to remove the person from your ‘excluded’ list.


To try to help you navigate the ‘Blogs’ a little more easily there is now a facility for you to exclude blogs from anyone you feel like by placing them on your excluded list. The blog poster(s) won’t know you have excluded them and you can take them off your ‘excluded’ list any time you like - see above.

The way Blogs are displayed has also been altered slightly. The first 50 Blogs are still displayed initially but now, as long as you have the latest browser software, once you click on ‘Show more entries’ the next blogs are shown. This corrects a bug in the last software release.


Although Discussions looks different it works in essentially the same way as before, though the latest contribution in a discussion thread is now at the bottom rather than the top.


Galleries have changed slightly, now the latest gallery is shown as you enter though  you can easily find earlier galleries by clicking on them.

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