The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

Ode to Those who Care


By the Urban Poet

There is something about the selfless people, whose life perspective

is aligned to the weak and feeble


It's almost as if they can feel the pain

and see the strain of those to whom

they empathise yet not just sympathise 

Being careful not to make routine

their angelic and compassionate deeds


They choose not recognition

but to go unseen, quietly carrying on.

Sometimes until almost all strength

and emotion has been and gone

However, being undeterred

they go about their worthy work

showing respect and dignity


Others may be tempted to shirk

Or back away, but no not they

Battling on to complete the task

until the end of a shift without being asked

To them each day is just the same


Dedicated to relieving the stresses and strains, of lives in desperate straits and pain, which saps any strength that may remain in feeble body or brittle bone

Some who they serve

      dwell in isolated loneliness

           fear of a future

             looking bleak and cold

                 It's not a picnic growing old


In all this are the Doctors, Carer's and Nurses

and others not concerned with their purses.  Not driven are they by budgets and statistics, but by love, compassion and being realistic.

What would life be like without those who care?

From ‘Poetry Gold’ by ‘Rick’ Varden 












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