The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Magic Age (after Jenny Joseph)

When I am old I shall apply for a bus pass

and roam around Cumbria’s roads on the 555.

I shall sit upstairs at the front of the bus

with a stick and my rucksack,

with a flask and sandwiches

and imagine I am a falcon flying up and over Dunmail Raise.


I will use my bus pass every day,

even on days I don’t need to go anywhere;

I shall scan it just to hear the beep of another free journey.

My bus pass will clock up miles in the system from overuse

and my face will stare out from the plastic

and I won’t care how tired and wrinkled I look …


I will be out and about on rainy days and sunny days,

on busy buses and empty buses,

and whilst being aware of my bags and belongings at all times,

I will see the world as defined by

the Westmorland and Furness Travel Scheme

(linked as it must be to Section 146 of the 2000 Transport Act).


When it expires, as data protection regulations insist it must,

I shall go to the library at an allotted time

and regale the assistant with tales of my travels,

of the wondrous sights I have seen

and the fascinating people I have met on my journeys

as the system is updated to prove I’m not dead.


But while I wait for that day, the day of English eligibility,

(as referenced in Travel Concessions Order No.2010)

until I reach state pension age, 67 at last reckoning,

I must be patient for freedom, sit quietly,

look through my window while the seconds tick by

and my dreams of a bus pass come true …


or move to Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

or Greater London where 60 is the magic age.


◄ Schrödinger's Mouse

Einstein’s Theory of Simultaneity ►


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John Coopey

Tue 4th Feb 2025 13:46

Be careful not to be a twirly, Jonathan.

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Julian (Admin)

Tue 4th Feb 2025 13:44

Great poem. Love it.
When I moved to my humble abode in the Lakes a couple of years ago, I was looking forward to doing exactly the same, only to be told there are no buses hereabouts.
They have since put a few on, but no one seems to use them, perhaps because they don't go where we would like to travel; perhaps because they weren't publicised.
I wonder if the new president is considering introducing free bus passes for US pensioners? I am sure he would love to.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Tue 4th Feb 2025 09:10

Thanks Jonathan.
Last year we took full advantage of our bus pass whilst on a self-catering holiday in the Lakes.
We arrived by car, then never used it once during the whole week; the bus stop was right outside our cottage.
Result? less pollution, less traffic congestion, fewer frayed nerves, more walking....and a healthier population - Take note government, please!

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Greg Freeman

Tue 4th Feb 2025 08:45

Ah, the joy of the bus pass, Jonathan ... let's just hope it's still available by the time you reach the right age!

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