The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.


we are a generation of brain rot meme lords
we say that we can play guitar
but, we only know 4 chords

we've popularized school shooters
idolized and glorified weak and worthless leaders
we're toxic antagonists surfing fragile buried wires

our brains washed by computers

clout chasing criminals streaming to our viewers
six months in prison but we copped another sponsor
we're desensitized to the insanity we put upon each other.

tv and tablet screens designed to keep us tethered

and we all believe that we have been responsible consumers
look around at everything you own that needs a charger
you'll see how weak we really are when they turn off the power



◄ Penguins, Popsicles and Polar Bears


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 25th Jan 2025 10:31

Thanks, Sasha; frightening indeed!

About twenty years ago, in our little writing club, the “subject for discussion” raised, concerned the the role of digital technology in the transmission and availability of literature, and of information of all kinds.

I raised the point that in the future, if someone in a position of power or authority, legitimate or not, objected to the content of what we are writing or reading, they would be able to erase us from the digital world at a single stroke.

Nazi-saluting gobs on sticks both in the UK and the US, with immense wealth, have a frightening amount of control over what we read and write; the role of “Client Journalism” and “propaganda” being just one small aspect of that scenario.

I suggest we pay closer attention to the kinds of people we vote for…or the plug may be pulled sooner than we think!

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 25th Jan 2025 09:21

The last line is frighteningly true, Sasha. Thank you for this.

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